

Release v0.3.0 – A Fresh Start

It's been six months since the last testing release. This time was spent rebuilding the entire game, three separate times. This release comes with a number of performance, gameplay, and UI changes. Download for free on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Voxel Meshing for the Rest of us

Like many of you creating a voxel game, I have also read that one 0fps article. Here's my attempt at presenting the same topic in a more conversational tone. With a little help from our friend Ferris.

Release v0.2.0 – Inventory Update

Destroy terrain, collect materials, and use those materials to build whatever you like. This update introduces the inventory system, as well as fixes many different gameplay and performance issues present within the 0.1.0 release. Download for free on Windows or Linux.

Release v0.1.0

This is the first public release of Spacefarer. Please try your best to break it. Download for free on Windows or Linux.

Welcome to!

Spacefarer is an in-development video game, which when finished will be an open-universe light-survival voxel-based building game similar to Starbound and Minecraft.